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Answer: Male Fertility is defined as inability to conceive a child, caused by factors that are not related to the female.
Answer: Several factors can lead to male factor infertility, including low sperm production, immobile sperm, abnormal sperm, or blockages that prevent sperm delivery to the semen. These conditions can result from illnesses, infections, chronic health problems, injuries and/or environmental factors, such as exposure to certain chemicals.
Answer: Normal sperm count is typically between 20 to 150 million sperm per milliliter of semen. In addition, at least 60 percent of the sperm should have normal motility and shape. However, these values can slightly vary depending on the laboratory that analyzes the semen sample.
Answer: No, but low sperm count decreases you and your partners chances of conceiving a child through intercourse, it does not mean you cannot father a child.
Answer: Artificial insemination is now more commonly referred to as IUI (intrauterine insemination). It is a procedure used for couples with unexplained infertility, minimal male factor infertility, and women with cervical mucus problems. The procedure uses the husband's or donor's sperm, washing and treating the sperm, and then injecting it into the woman during the time of ovulation.
Answer: In vitro fertilization (IVF) gets its name from the fact that fertilization occurs outside of the woman's body, in a lab dish instead of a woman's fallopian tubes. Typically, a woman will use ovulation stimulating drugs to produce an excess number of eggs. These eggs are surgically removed from the woman and fertilized in dish with sperm. If fertilization takes place, the physician transfers the embryo(s) into the women's uterus.